Fun & Creativity
Showing respect and concern for people and things
Demonstrate appropriate self-control over feelings
Expressing and showing a positive self image
Shows control during structured and unstructured play
Manage routine and non routine transitions with prompt.
Follow classroom rules and routines
To join group activities
Playing and sharing cooperatively
Accepting and responding to teachers instructions or questions
To respect the rights and property of others
To look at people when we speak to them.
Carry on a conversation and play with other children without intervention
Speaking clearly
Responding to stories through actions or words
To increase strength, balance and muscular coordination
Can dress and undress self in appropriate clothing
Know when they need to use the bathroom
To provide nutritious food, cleanliness and adequate sleep/relaxation time
Understand how to play safely with others
String beads, hold scissors with correct grasp, stay on a line
Language & Literacy
Letter and sound recognition
Interest in books
Understand positional words
Answers questions about key details in a story or group session
Recognize and match rhyming
Match pictures/words with same beginning sounds
Knows first and last name
Answers why questions
Can make letters in their name
Can draw simple pictures with prompts and support.
Discuss shapes, recognition of shapes in their environment
Number recognition to 20
Counting 10 objects or more
Observing patterns, sequencing, measuring and sorting.
Applying information to problem solving
Name 8 basic colors
Outside Play
Wee Pals believes that outside time is vital to a child's development.
Children 16 months and up go out for a period of time in the morning and then again in the afternoon (weather permitting)